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网址:www.tongmen.aou1.cn  2021-08-06  作者:admin    阅读:

一般来说,现代拉丝铜门的颜色可以做到近十种。铜门的内部为钢结构骨架,外部包裹加工好的铜面板型材。易折弯塑性,不易开裂的T2紫铜带是铜门面板非常好的型材,在铜门中运用较多。扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训铜虽然属于防腐材料,但铜门在制作中往往还会对其做进一步的防腐处理。比如,先在表面拉丝,然后进行多次表面清洗、钝化,隔断面板型材表层与腐蚀材料的接触,保持铜原有的颜色。接下来再进行不少于两次的磷化处理,在表面形成一层保护膜,这之后还要经过喷保护漆、1600摄氏度烘烤、自然冷却等步骤,一樘成品铜门才能最终完成。至于门里的钢骨架,都进行了热镀锌处理,然后将铜结构焊接、安装。另外,与其他材质的门一样,铜门也要定制,工人现场勘察确定细部尺寸后,再回去根据相关数据与图形下料,然后上门安装。
Generally speaking, there are nearly ten colors of modern brushed copper doors. The inside of the copper door is a steel structure framework, and the outside is wrapped with processed copper panel profiles. T2 copper strip, which is easy to bend, plastic and not easy to crack, is a very good profile for copper door panel and is widely used in copper doors. Although copper is an anti-corrosion material, it is often subject to further anti-corrosion treatment in the manufacture of copper doors. For example, wire drawing shall be carried out on the surface first, and then surface cleaning and passivation shall be carried out for many times to cut off the contact between the surface of panel profile and corrosive materials and maintain the original color of copper. Next, phosphating treatment shall be conducted for no less than two times to form a protective film on the surface. After that, the finished copper door can be finally completed through the steps of spraying protective paint, baking at 1600 ℃ and natural cooling. As for the steel framework in the door, it is hot-dip galvanized, and then the copper structure is welded and installed. In addition, like doors of other materials, copper doors should also be customized. After workers conduct on-site investigation to determine the detail size, they go back to blanking according to relevant data and graphics, and then install them on the door.

