铜门行业的现状:铜门是还没有一个大品牌的行业,基本都是十几个人二十几个人甚至是几个人的小作坊厂商,制作工艺极其简单,可以不用任何机械设备就能制作,所以目前的铜门行业是门行业里最乱的一个行业,百分之九十的厂家制造的产品都还停留在最原始普通的阶段:镀锌方管焊一个架子,两边是PVC板或者是木工板,内部基本没有填充物,表面再贴一层厚度基本掺假的铜板……方管结构的门体在运输过程中落地重击下木箱包装也容易出现轻微变形,铜门一般都装在户外,风吹雨淋太阳晒木工板容易受潮变形起鼓,PVC板则是那种用指甲就能抠下来的,这种结构使用寿命完全保定平面设计培训 收费岛模具 挡土墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞护栏模具 大棚遮阳网 遮阴网就是靠运气了,运气好用一个十几年或者十年八年,运气不好三年五年甚至两年就门扇变形不好使用。内部结构是铜门的一个核心,最关键的地方往往却是客户和经销商最容易忽视的地方,客户的忽视是诺干年后极度痛苦的代价,经销商的忽视是诺干年后客户找上门无法承受的痛,和有一些朋友客户连朋友都没办法做了的痛楚,这就是绝大部分的普通铜门产品
Current situation of copper door industry: copper door is an industry
without a big brand, which is basically a small workshop with more than
ten people, 20 people or even several people. The manufacturing process
is extremely simple, and can be made without any mechanical equipment.
Therefore, the current copper door industry is the most chaotic industry
in the door industry, 90% of the products manufactured by manufacturers
are still in the most primitive and ordinary stage: galvanized square
pipe welded with a shelf, PVC board or wood board on both sides,
basically without filler inside, and a layer of copper plate with
adulterated thickness is pasted on the surface... The door of square
pipe structure is prone to slight deformation when it falls to the
ground during transportation, Copper doors are usually installed
outdoors, exposed to the wind, rain and sun. Wood board is prone to damp
deformation and bulge. PVC board is the kind that can be cut off with
nails. The service life of this structure depends entirely on luck. If
you are lucky, you can use it for more than ten years or eight years. If
you are not lucky, you can use it for three years, five years or even
two years. The internal structure is a core of copper door, but the most
important part is often the most easily ignored by customers and
dealers. The customer's neglect is the price of extreme pain after
nuogan. The dealer's neglect is the pain that customers can't bear after
nuogan, and the pain that some friends and customers can't even do.
This is the vast majority of ordinary copper door products